wow, it has been a long time since I posted...but, I have a lot to say, so maybe I'll do some marthon posting today.
I wanted to get on and share some of my recent hair product reviews. I started using kinkycurly exclusively in March 2010 - and I used that up until October 2010, when I found Mixed Chicks.
I have been using mixed chicks pretty exclusively until two days ago...where I "sort" of switched back to kinkycurly...let me explain.
Kinkycurly products, I believed and still do, are probably the best products for my texture/grade of hair. The definition is great - especially on a clean head. The only problem I had - that I continue to have, is that it take ALLLLLLL day to dry and I'm left with "hard-to-the-touch" hair. My hair isn't hard a a brick...and it does have some movement, but not as fluid as I would like...
I met a friend for an afternoon out that I hadn't seen in years...and didn't even know she had cut off her always long and thick hair to become a natural beauty. Her curls were very similar to mine and I asked her what product(s) she used. She responded "mix chicks." Now, just from the name alone, I hadn't tried mix chicks...and honestly hadn't heard any overpowering reviews, and thus hadn't ever looked for it in the stores nor desired to try it. After seeing my friend...going to their website...and realizing that the product was the LEAST expensive on the market...I tried it out (...always remember, you get what you pay for!).
On the mixed chicks website, it was the same song and dance. Creators that didn't have hair nearly as curly has mine...long, hanging down their backs. What did get me intrigued was they claimed your hair would be dry in...and I quote "about two hours" - I thought..."REALLY?!"...and thus, I spent 17.99 for a regular sized container for mix chicks leave-in conditoner...
My first impression of mix chicks..."is this lotion?!"...the product itself is a dark butter yellow color...no problems there. The fragrance is not too overpowering...okay, check and check. Now for the texture...HIGHLY unusual. The yellow substance RAN out of the bottle...demonstrating that the consistance was thin and light. I had my doubts even before applying it. Before I tried it on myself, I looked on YouTube for videos - and I found a few...in addition the ones on the actual mix chicks website. The application of the product was slightly different than other products.
Mixed chicks recommend that you don't comb the product through, but rather...slick the product through in sections. I attempted to apply my first taste of mix chicks like the videos recommended. The results were favorable, which was suprising since the actual product is so light...not heavy at all and reminded me of hand lotion (the cheap kind that really doesn't do anything). The results were pretty good - and I'll attach a random picture I took...now, warning, I don't know what I did to my hair this day, but I did use mix chicks...but it's fuller and bigger...and I haven't been able to replicate that look since! lol.
My draw backs from mixed chicks is it doesn't appear to be very moisturizing...and moister for natural hair is a big deal. It may define and provide a light hold to curls, but on the moisture scale I would rank it pretty low. I use/used the product for about 3-4 months...but began to wonder seriously about the moisture content. ...and thus, I think I stumbled upon my perfect combination....stay tuned!
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