Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday .....waaaaaaaaay late!

Even blogger has changed since the last time I've posted - I'm a slacker...
Very quickly, I want to give a 4 year natural hair update - and my current goals and aspirations...

I have a new routine due to some damaged pieces from a wedding I participated in in November, 2011. I have since been a slave to twist outs - but I like them! I make my own spray to dampen in the evenings - I use the following: water, curls oil, shima oil and jane carter's wrap foam (I unscrew and add the liquid to my spray bottle). I also use shea butter on the ends - I twist and leave about an inch of hair out, wrap around a perm rod and roll the rest of my the morning (I also have a technique for that), I take it down and only pull at the roots, making the ends still have that curl from the roller. That's my new routine. I've tried different twisting products, but honestly, shea butter is my staple. I've also tried to blow dry (when my hair is washed at night and I need it styled in the morning), but that leaves it fluffy - and it doesn't hold the curls too well...but my hair is SERIOUSLY soft....that could be to my new conditioner and shampoo....

I heard from someone's stylist, not mine, because I don't have one, that Joico (the blue bottle) was really good for moisture. On a whim I put in a sew in...mistake...may hair was dry for a long time...and I rejoiced when I felt it had gained the moisture back that it lost...silver lining, I found Joico products. Not at all natural, but I love the smell and the conditioning mask is to die for! Love it. When I use the shampoo and conditioner and blow dry and then twist...the curls are way too soft and don't really hold well.

Happy Birthday - 4 years natural in July, 2012. I received my last perm in October, 2007 - a few weeks before my wedding...did my big chop in July, 2008 - so I say 4 years.

I recently pulled a lot of pictures from my phone - mirror shots of days I thought I was cute, which promoted this post/update.

 May, 2011 (professional two strand twist to head - blow dried, then twisted with foam, rollers on ends)
 October, 2012 (regular self twist out, rollers on ends)

December, 2010 (mixed chicks - completely natural state)
June, 2012 (self twist out)

August, 2012 (professional two strand twist - used butter cream from miss jessies - didn't like it, I had to blow it out at the roots to get it looking right)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Catching Up

wash/go - January, 2012
curl formers - October, 2011

braid out - March, 2012

dominicans - August, 2011

It is just shy of being a year since I posted last...and similar to a previous post, I recommened this blog and now I feel like I need to update it a bit. As always, I'm still looking for the miracle product - and I've decided now, you're going to have to make your own product - using a few (or more) of the marketed ones...if you're lucky, maybe you can just use something straight off the shelf and it work for you...unfortuntely, I'm not that lucky...but I do like that I've tried out a few products and I can give people my experiences.

Let's list out what the lines of products that I've used...and a few that I've heard of and may try in the future...AND, don't let me forget to tell you about my most recent routine (fantastic).

Products I have used:


Kinky Curly

Miss Jessies

Jane Carter

Mixed Chicks (almost forgot about that one)

Products I want to try:

Bumble and Bumble (I think that's the name)

Wen - does it really do what they claim it does?

Hair Rules

Anyway, I plan on including a few recent pictures of my hair. I should have taken one yesterday, I thought about it, but didn't. It was FANTASTIC!!! ...don't think I'm getting the same effect today though. I'll snap a pic and show you...however, I do really appreciate my current routine.

Recently, I have been boycotting shampoo...and I seriously, for the last few months, have only washed my hair once a month - when it really gets coated with products on my scalp. Now, I still wet it almost everyday, I just don't wash it once a week like I usually do. I actually stumbled upon this washing once a month, accidently. After going a while without washing, and my hair was looking good!...I washed it...and then it was like cotton and wasn't acting right. So, I attributed that to shampooing...and thus, my once a month washing routine was born. I also read on curlynikki that she doesn't wash that frequently we have to wash so often?

Right now, that's what is working for, I'm going to say no! you don't have to wash your hair ever week...or ever two weeks - really, you do what's good for you!

So, in addition to shampooing only once ever blue moon, I also took a styling tip from a tennis team member - she said she plats her hair and lets it down in the morning. I tried it..and I LOVED IT!!! It re-creates that looking I'm trying for. The process is simple...I plat my hair...about 10, nice and tight. Then twist the ends with a roller or flexi-rod...and in the morning, really, on the way to work, I take it down. I usually have "fashion" headband one (that means, it really isn't doing anything, just on there) and fluff...and pull...and thinken the roots...and fill in the empty spaces...and go! I like it.

I will add pictures if they are ever sent from my phone - -grrr...slave to technology - addicted to covenience. Yeah, can't move the pictures, so there you have it!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Forever and a Day...

Forever and a day ago, I made my last posting - and from the tone, it looks like I was still trying to find that perfect product that did wonders and made my hair elongated, moisturized, bouncy and soft to the touch...yep! still looking.

My regular routine now, if all the supplies are available ( you know keeping up with your products is an expensive business) - I apply Jane Carter's conditioner, mainly to the crown of my head because that's where my hair is thickest...then on top of that kinky curly leave in conditioner...all over...and finally, a touch of mixed chicks. This has been my routine for about 4 months...and I still get questions about how do I get my hair to curl like that, so I guess it looks okay.

I do still question the moisture content, because I still feel like that is the most important step that people tend to forget...they want to do all these styles - and keep everybody guessing, when I want people to focus on the health of their hair.

I did have a touch for curls left in the bottle one day...and that little bit I could see a slight difference. Hey...when you are low on products you look high and low for something that will make your hair look managable. When I don't apply anything to my looks like it feels. Soft...amost like cotton...just blowing in the wind. It looks much better with a few products in it...and it doesn't look like I'm Kizzy from Roots.

Don't get me wrong, I love my hair...and just recently I tried a new style that I LOVED! It was a two strand twist - flat twist like cornrolls, but twisted instead of braids - I'm sure you didn't need that much of an explination. Anyway, I loved it when I took it out (which was two day after going to the salon) - it almost gave me that look I'm really striving for...BUT, it looked dry and it only lasted one day. I still havent' figured out how to preserve my styles at night...afraid to laydown...anything, unless I've gone where I need to go for the day. Please someone tell me how to sleep...and not have to completely re-do my hair every single day. I live for my work from home days because I can just wet it and do nothing...or not even wet it at all...and it can be free to do whatever - ONLY when I'm not going outside my house! lol.

Anyway, I did see an ad for "as I am" products - and of course everyone has the same slogan. I don't know how recent the products came out, but I'm guessing they are pretty new since I hadn't heard of them...or maybe, I just live under a rock! I suppose the only place to get it is from their website...and for the life of my I can't remember the price point. At any rate...I wasn't totally impressed with the website I suppose, since I didn't order...and can't remember the price point. I judge a lot by the models...but they only had two pictures up - and I couldn't really get a good feel on if the product was decent or not.

Well, that's all for now. If I can find any pictures to post of recent hair days, I will. Lately, I've been straightening my hair for special occassions...about once every three months. My new stylist (blade) is great, but says I need to see him more often...don't they ALL say that...heck, maybe it's true!

Happy, Nappy, Natural - J

Thursday, January 6, 2011

MY CUSTOM hair product!, this is working for me of today - because today is the first day I tried it. Drum Roll Please......I used KinkyCurly's Knot Today leave-in conditioner...with Mixed Chicks leave-in conditioner...and I think we may have a winner...verdicts still out though because today is only the first day...

Drawbacks...way way much draw up! My hair has major, I'll have to modify to adjust for that factor.

Mixed Chicks Review

Picture Date: 12/06/2010
wow, it has been a long time since I posted...but, I have a lot to say, so maybe I'll do some marthon posting today.

I wanted to get on and share some of my recent hair product reviews. I started using kinkycurly exclusively in March 2010 - and I used that up until October 2010, when I found Mixed Chicks.

I have been using mixed chicks pretty exclusively until two days ago...where I "sort" of switched back to kinkycurly...let me explain.

Kinkycurly products, I believed and still do, are probably the best products for my texture/grade of hair. The definition is great - especially on a clean head. The only problem I had - that I continue to have, is that it take ALLLLLLL day to dry and I'm left with "hard-to-the-touch" hair. My hair isn't hard a a brick...and it does have some movement, but not as fluid as I would like...

I met a friend for an afternoon out that I hadn't seen in years...and didn't even know she had cut off her always long and thick hair to become a natural beauty. Her curls were very similar to mine and I asked her what product(s) she used. She responded "mix chicks." Now, just from the name alone, I hadn't tried mix chicks...and honestly hadn't heard any overpowering reviews, and thus hadn't ever looked for it in the stores nor desired to try it. After seeing my friend...going to their website...and realizing that the product was the LEAST expensive on the market...I tried it out (...always remember, you get what you pay for!).

On the mixed chicks website, it was the same song and dance. Creators that didn't have hair nearly as curly has mine...long, hanging down their backs. What did get me intrigued was they claimed your hair would be dry in...and I quote "about two hours" - I thought..."REALLY?!"...and thus, I spent 17.99 for a regular sized container for mix chicks leave-in conditoner...

My first impression of mix chicks..."is this lotion?!"...the product itself is a dark butter yellow problems there. The fragrance is not too overpowering...okay, check and check. Now for the texture...HIGHLY unusual. The yellow substance RAN out of the bottle...demonstrating that the consistance was thin and light. I had my doubts even before applying it. Before I tried it on myself, I looked on YouTube for videos - and I found a addition the ones on the actual mix chicks website. The application of the product was slightly different than other products.

Mixed chicks recommend that you don't comb the product through, but rather...slick the product through in sections. I attempted to apply my first taste of mix chicks like the videos recommended. The results were favorable, which was suprising since the actual product is so light...not heavy at all and reminded me of hand lotion (the cheap kind that really doesn't do anything). The results were pretty good - and I'll attach a random picture I, warning, I don't know what I did to my hair this day, but I did use mix chicks...but it's fuller and bigger...and I haven't been able to replicate that look since! lol.

My draw backs from mixed chicks is it doesn't appear to be very moisturizing...and moister for natural hair is a big deal. It may define and provide a light hold to curls, but on the moisture scale I would rank it pretty low. I use/used the product for about 3-4 months...but began to wonder seriously about the moisture content. ...and thus, I think I stumbled upon my perfect combination....stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday

I sort of missed my 2 year anniversary of my big chop (BC). I believe it was July 31st.

I was remined today because I went to a new salon - one that specializes in natural hair care and they don't even offer relaxers. It is called Too Groovy - off of Ponce.

The Salon it's self is "flashy" - and it looks like they are trying to keep up with the Jones, but the stylist in there are young and ready to work.

The stylist I choose to use was Tehira - they book schedules online and the style all day. I had a young lady wash and partially blow dry my hair, because Tehira was still with her previous appointment.

I don't believe anything special went down, but the results are definitely noticeable. I will attach a picture of my hair before she began curling it.

All in all...good experience, but I won't be going during "lunch" anymore. I was so nervous about getting back to work at a decent time...!



Monday, June 28, 2010

Target and Miss Jessies

...only if you live in the "right" area!

I went to three Targets - none to be found. A lady recommeneded I go out to Camp Creek's target and try them...well, I live in Marietta (for those of you that live in the Atlanta area).

I went to the salon I usually go to and picked some up to do my daughters hair - I don't use any of their products on my own head...too expensive and little to show for it. That's just my opinion.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Product Recall: April 2010

I started a new job and two ladies that I work with are natural!!, I don't feel so awkward coming to work with my natural curls out. ...actually, no one has mentioned my hair, I guess it's okay?! I'm timid in some settings about showing the natural curls - but honestly, I think my hair (now that it has more length), doesn't look too crazy - or unkempt. So, I'm becoming more accepting (finally..yay!).

One lady I work with has been natural for two years after having a terrible experience during a "chemical" session. When I was talking to her, she stated some of the same reasons as to why I went natural for herself. my top reasons for going natural
1. stop paying these stylist so much money
2. to actually see what "MY" hair looks like
3. not wanting my hair to be thinner as I aged
4. wanting healthy hair - strong hair, that didn't break off
5. having the ability to "sing in the rain" - instead of running!!

I'm glad I made the decision to go natural and I will never have a perm again -seriously. It may be a hassle when I want to wear my hair straight (and, I may start doing that more regularly now) - but it's all worth it.

I was thinking the other night that the last time I got a perm was two weeks before November 3, 2007 - so I haven't gotten a perm in 2.5 years? My big chop anniversary is coming up in July! What should I do to celebrate...few highlights?....ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I had an experience with hair color a few...maybe a lot of years back...and I vowed more color for me. My hair was probably damaged from that treatment and my color was never right - like I imagined it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Finally Spring _General Update

So, in recommending this blog to a friend that is thinking about going natural, I decided I should update you on what's going on with my hair.

So, although I am an advocate for going natural, I will say, I do think I need to straighten my hair for events that will result in money handling (photography jobs) and interviews. So last week I had both scenarios and got my hair straightened at 7am!!!

So, today will be the last day for my hair being straight...and it lasted for about 1.5 weeks - I could probably hold out a little longer, but honestly, I can't stand the way my hair begins to I must wash it...and thus the $75.00 I spend for a wash, blow, flat iron and trim...will be lost...yeah, $75.00 - are you kidding me?!!!

Here are a few pictures I've taken with my hair straight - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the length and I continue to be surprised at how much it has grown. My two year anniversary will be in July - I think I should celebrate.

When I set out on this journey I had a straight hair goal and a natural hair goal...and I've reached my straight hair goal length I desired...I still have a way to go on my natural state length though, but I'm confident I will get there...eventually!

I got a baby trim this time, because I wanted to see the true length, but judging from my ends, I really need to go in again and let her take off at least half an inch. Okay, enough talk, here are the pictures.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Local Supply

So, I was super excited to know that Miss Jessies products would be in Target beginning in March...little did I know, until I popped into Whole Food today, that CURLS has already made it onto their shelves.

I think it is great that these companys have made it into main stream...and Target, is huge!

I went into Whole Foods to pick up some "knot today" from the Kinky Curly line...they were fully stocked - and the lady putting the Curls products on the shelve gave me a sample of Curl Gel-les'c - actually I already have one sample from the last time I ordered from them - though I haven't tried it yet - or again...I think the first time I didn't have that much success.

The owner for Curls sends out "tweets" everyday - I've only been on for one day, so I don't know how helpful they are...but yesterday's was...not that helpful - it said "heat protectant should be applied prior to the application of heat" - umm, yeah.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Miss Jessies Announcement

I'm a "fan" of Miss Jessies on Facebook...and mostly, I don't pay attention, but today they had this announcement:

MissJessie's Original WE ARE SO HAPPY ALL OF YOU WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE EASY ACCESS TO OUR PRODUCTS AT TARGET. MISS JESSIE'S WILL BE AVAILABLE AT NATIONWIDE TARGET LOCATIONS STARTING MARCH 28, 2010. THANK YOU ALL AND ENJOY. my book, that's huge! Congrats to them - I'm sure they started off as a small business and now they have made it into Target - wow, now that's success.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Two Strands Twist

After my failed attempt at "refreshing" - where I clipped off my hair, put on a satin bonnet and hoped for the best...I got out my curls whipped cream and on my damp (at the end of the day after thoroughly wetting my hair that morning and applying product) hair I did fairly large two strand twist. All in all, I probably had about 30 twist. I went to sleep and then took them down the next day.

It looked good...and then I went out in the damp/rainy weather and they became frizzy! So, that night I used my kinky curly curling custard and did them all over. Again, they came out looking pretty good. The difference between the two products is pretty much null, but for some reason, I'm going to rank the kinky curly curling custard slightly higher. It sounds opposite, but I think the kinky curly allowed my hair to have more movement...but that could be because I left a good amount of the knot today conditioner in my hair prior to doing the twist...and my hair was soaking wet when I did the second round of twist that could have had something to do with it too.

Basically, my 2 strand twist technique is...
1. part off a row (horizontal) beginning in the back.
2. begin on one side (usually my right), take a good amount of hair to make medium sized twist - don't like small ones, and big ones wouldn't give me the look I'm going for
3. apply "said" product and starting with the ends, comb through the product
4. twist in very tight pattern and twirl the ends
...WARNING: if you don't do anything to take care of the ends, they will end up looking flat and ruin your look. Some people actually put rollers on the ends to avoid this...I just twirl and twirl and most times my ends create their own curls...
...Also, while I'm twisting I smooth my hair out as I go. I like the twist to look as neat as possible, which will benefit the end results greatly.

Okay, that's my tip for today!

...oh, and I wasn't too successful on sleeping on the second round of twist either. It doesn't look bad, but it still looks too "messy" for me. I woke up and completely rinsed my hair again this morning, but I did only apply the knot today...didn't comb it through either - maybe I can get away with just buying the knot today and not the 29.99 curling custard (that would be great!).

...another side note, I have to do my daughters hair today, and I would like to get some baby butter creme to help me. I think it works well for her hair and she can wear that style (if we push it) for at least 5-6days. Her hair is getting so long now, that it takes me about 1.5 hours to finish. I'll take a picture of her hair too...maybe I can give tips...especially if her hair is thick and long as she gets older!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Refresh - Instead of Redo!

So, last night I was getting ready for bed and touched my hair to realized it was still damp in the thickest part of my head - crown, middle. Now, I wake up around 6:30, get in the shower and head to work...why is my hair STILL wet after 15 hours...this is getting ridiculous!

So, I decide I would try to clamp my roots "out" to see if I could salvage my hair in the morning - refresh...instead of completely wetting my hair to the core, applying product and having it drip until about 10am.

Well, I used some long clips and clamped it down at the roots...I was in business! I covered everything up with a satin cap and went to bed. This morning the smashing of my hair was slightly I started to pull the clips out. If it wasn't for the crazy look of the front and the lack of how to style my hair this morning, I might have let it fly...but to me, it looked crazy and I got in the shower and used my curls whipped cream instead of the kinky curly curling custard.

I clipped up one side with two of those snappy clips and headed out of the door. I just can't come up with a solution to how not to completely rewet and reapply these products...hence, I think I spend more money on products than I should be spending!

Any guidance is appreciated.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Curls Coupon and Avacado Mask

...speak of the devil! I just got done writing about my Avacado oil treatment and got an e-mail from Curls under those same lines.

Curls sends out frequent emails and majority of them have a coupon to use in their online store.

Here are the details about the Avacado and Banana Mask:

Banana & Avocado Hair Mask
• 1 medium banana
• 1/2 avocado
• 1 egg yolk
• 3 Tbsp buttermilk
• 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Mash banana, egg and avocado in a small bowl.
Add remaining ingredients and stir until well combined.
Apply to hair from roots to tips.
Leave in for 30 minutes and then wash out with a moisturizing shampoo.
Double the recipe for long hair.
AND! most importantly, they provided a 20% off coupon. When you order, don't forget to ask for your free samples (up to three for each order).
Coupon Code: wintercurls
(all lowercase vaild until midnight 1/24/2010)

Avacado Oil

Once I understood the whole "YouTube" craze, I started to search for videos pertaining to natural hair care. There are a lot of on there that tell you nothing - some tell you how to style your hair up...and some tell you about their home made products.

I was watching a few videos that discussed mixing up oils, avocados, molasses, etc and decided to try it out. Well, I guess it was fine - my hair didn't feel extra soft or anything, but then again, my hair is normally pretty soft anyway. At any rate, from that little experiment I had a lot of avocado after making some fish and some rice using it, I thought - hey, maybe I'll just moisturize my hair with it.

I had a lot of time on my hands, so I pour a little in my palm rub both of my hands together and then apply to sections of my hair. After I was satisfied with the amount I had in that section, I braided that section up and moved on to the next section. Eventually, I got done with my how head - and the braids looked crazy, but I wasn't going anywhere - so who cares.

I slept with my hair like that - I should have put my bonnet on, but I didn't. Anyway, the next day I took the braids down and washed my hair with the Kinky Curly - come clean shampoo...and then the knot today...and finished up with the curling custard -

I was happy with my results! My curls were super defined and my hair looked moisturized - had a great color to it...dark brown/black...not that ash grey color you get when your hair isn't healthy. Anyway, just wanted to add that information to the blog...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Curls for Women vs. Curly-q's

So, on the curls website, you'll see a line for babies, kids and adults...well, I can tell you hands down, the substance in the kids' line (curly-q's) is the exact same stuff as in the adult line...and the kids' like is cheaper!

So, if you don't mind the "less mature" wrapping, purchase the curly-q's items and you'll be getting the same results.

I am on Curls' mailing list, so I get a product discount code about one every three months - and it only applies to the adult line. So, if you're like me and never buy unless I have a discount code, then the adult line is for you...but if you happen to pop into a salon that is carrying both (or all three), pick the cheaper one - same exact product. Now, the little people's line doesn't have as many products as the adult line, but they do have some that over lap (ie. moisturzing spritz and goddess glaze).

Packaging: just a little fact, about 4 months ago, the curls for adults packaging changed - and somethings were discontinued and something went up in price (I guess to pay for the main stream package overhaul). When the packaging switch they did a huge (55% off) sale of their remaining product in the old packaging - great deal! They also stated they were trying to work on a deal with Macy's - I guess similar to what Carol's Daughter has.

...has anyone ever used Carol's Daughter? I guess that's my next "new" product purchase - although, I haven't really heard many great comments about it...but at least the owner/founder has hair like me (or like us?).

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Curls Whipped Cream vs. Kinky Curly Curling Custard


(you can click on the images to make them larger)

Kinky Curly: Curling Custard

Curls: Whipped Cream


So, I have been using Curls Whipped Cream for probably over a year. For me, it was the best out of what I had tried to bring out my natural curls, reduce frizz, and protect/moisturize - well, lately (probably about a month ago) I was having a terrible problem with tangles/knots (really toward the ends of my stands). Usually, knots/tangle meant I needed a trim - which I actually do need, but wasn't prepared to pay anyone to do it.

Anyway, I had heard of Kinky Curly "Knot Today" being good for de-tangling. I visit "Whole Foods" almost every morning and it is a great convenience to be able to pick up products while running in to get my morning muffin (best muffins ever!). So, last week, I picked up the Knot Today and thought, I might as well try out the curling custard (all along thinking...this isn't going to work for me). I actually got the whole bundle including the shampoo (clarifying), knot today (conditioner) and the curling custard. Here's the website to Kinky Curly (

I was excited to use it. I first washed with the clarifying shampoo - it's in this clear bottle, so you really feel like it's working - (lol). Then I used the Knot Today Conditioner. The directions state you can actually use it as a leave in, but I rinsed most of it out. While I was working it in, I used my WIDE toothed comb and got the knots and tangles out. The products works just as it stated it would. I was enjoying not having my arm feel like it was going to fall off from going through my hair so many times. Okay, so after I worked the conditioner through and rinsed out most of it...I did leave a little bit in, I started to apply the curling custard.

The directions on the curling custard say to comb or rake (using fingers) in section of your hair to apply. Well, I haven't had such great luck with using the comb, so I used my fingers and raked the product through.

First, let me describe how the product feels - just like gel! ...and actually the conditioner smells just like the gel "JAM" - do you all remember that? I don't know if they still sell it...anyway, the curling custard is a clear, light substance and it's VERY slippery.

Now, I didn't know how much I would need to apply to my hair, so my first application wasn't even. I got the front done pretty well, but the middle (the thickest part of my hair), needed a little more work. So, in my successive applications, I think I got it. Now, let me tell you, I'm hard to please and this stuff, did a GREAT job! My only complaint is the amount I have to use (a whole lot) and the way my hair feels when it FINALLY dries. It takes my hair about 13 hours to fully dry. Seriously, I get so frustrated...but I don't have time in the morning to hold the dryer up to it...and I haven't figured out how to sleep on my hair and not have to fully wet it again in the morning (if I want it to look fresh) - so, that's what I'm left with...a wet head for the majority of the day. It's funny, because if I know I'm going out in the evening - I will wake up and make sure my hair is set early in the morning so it will be dry by the time I go out...and I can touch it and fluff it up without messing up the curls (crazy huh)? I'll figure it out eventually.

Okay...what was I saying. So, the Kinky Curly stuff works for me and the best thing about it is - it elongates my curls. Just for comparison, I rinsed out the curling custard this morning and used my Curls - Whipped Cream - using the same application routine (in the shower - lots of water and I raked it through with my fingers). It did a good job too...but the elongation isn't there. I do like curls because it DOES NOT make my hair hard...and if I forced it I could probably sleep on this and refresh in the morning - and not come out look too bad.

One trick I was told about sleeping is to pinch your hair right at the root with some alligator clips (the long ones). This will make your hair not lay completely flat on your head and give you a fighting chance in the morning to spritz a little water, fluff and go.

So, each product has it's benefits and down falls...and I will say, don't use them together! Ha, I tried it...and it looked like a hot mess! I was thinking if they work good by themselves, they must work GREAT together...not so much.

So, that's my review on the Whipped Cream and Curling Custard. I'll add some pictures of each.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Straight for the 1st Time...

Remember how I mentioned I had to get my hair trimmed twice in the course of one month. Well, the first time I got my natural hair straightened I was excited to see what the length of it was. Unfortunately, the only way you can really tell how long your natural hair to get it straighted...blow dryed (or some way of getting it dry), and the use of a flat iron. I would never recommend using a pressing comb - we've advanced to using flat irons, so don't let anyone put a pressing comb in your hair. ...we'll talk about flat irons in a bit.

Okay, the first straightening -
My hair was so healthy!!! That made me excited and the length was pretty nice too. It didn't last too long because I went and played tennis - hard and the sweat caused my hair reverted - oh well! So, let's get into how she (Kena) straightened my hair. Kena was the stylist that did my big chop. Kena washed and conditioned and then she did a few large plats and set me under the dryer - about 30 minutes. After that she released the plats and blow dried each section individually. Then she used some heat protectant on each section and flat ironed my hair. It looked pretty good and I was excited to see I did have some hair, although the shrinkage of my natural hair would have you believe otherwise.

The heat protectant didn't protect as I wished it had. They say, if you want your hair curly, wear it curly, if you want to wear it straight then straighten, when you go back and forth, you may experience, problems.

After my hair was straightened for the first time, I had straight pieces..that never, ever, never ever, got curly again...and I had to cut them off. I didn't straighten my hair for a long time after the first time because...
1. damaged ends (straight pieces), that had lost their ability to curl...and just stuck out like a sore thumb.
2. texture changed - when I washed my hair it just didn't feel right! I can't really explain it..., but it had a coating maybe that just wouldn't wash away....and thus my texture was a little off. It took me about 3 washings to get my hair texture back...maybe it was the heat protectant that Kena applied...I'll probably never figure it out.

So, after a few months of having those straight pieces and there was absolutely no hope to get them curly again, I cut them off...with a pair of scissors! Those that I could see in the mirror. They weren't terribly too long, but there were at least 6 pieces that were permanently straight.

It took me months to decide to straighten my hair out again, this time I sent to Darryl...probably the best hair stylist that I know (July 2009). Darryl was the stylist I relied on when my hair was relaxed to show me the best my hair could be. Darryl, when I went regularly (like once every 2 months) my hair was the longest I had ever seen it (I've now seen longer "smiling"). So Darryl, got me in and out in like a hour. He did my hair so quickly I was impressed! He blew me out and flat ironed, introduced me to jane carters hair serum (smells so good!).

Once my hair begins to smell (curling iron scent - can't stand it), and I washed my hair after Darryl did it, my texture wasn't altered and the straight pieces weren't existent. I was pleasantly surprised.

Between Kena straightening and Darryl's straightening, I found this young lady to do natural hair styles. She did a few two strand twist on me - and I eventually decided my attempts looked better - so I haven't had her do it in a while...and I haven't done it in a while either, because it takes me so long. Oh, don't let me forget to tell you about my visit to the Dominicans (after I had twist put in - the horror).

Additional topics (so I don't forget): the Dominicans, braiding, taking care of your straightened hair, good hair - the movie, new products...and I'm sure I'll think of more things a long the way.